Saturday, March 9, 2024

It has been a week

 Many of you know Lillian started running a fever last Saturday (1 week ago). By Sunday evening, I realized she was needing every four hour breathing treatments.  When she gets a fever, she vomits.  Always has.  That creates the inability to feed her.  ANYTHING.  So, as long as we could keep her fever down, we could feed her.  It has been touch and go all week.  Four hour treatments around the clock is exhausting. Additionally, she looked terrible.  By Wednesday I took her to the pedicatrician for a work in appointment.  (i bet the office loves us ha!) They tested her for 2 flus, covid, and possible UTI.  All of that was negative.  I asked him to add a steroid to help with the asthma, and he did.  She's been on an anitbiotic since Saturday to try to treat her impacted sinus.  We divided that into two doses instead of one.  Thursday we had elders come and annoint her and pray over her.  By Thursday I was falling apart.  Just sheer exhaustion.  Friday, i contacted her Pulmonologist and talked with them and they said we are doing every thing we can do.  I did increase her fluids after feeds to help battle dehydration.  As I was up with her through the night, she was drenched in sweat each time.  Today, she has acted more normal then we've seen her in a week.  She literally hadn't left the couch.  This has been a trying week.  I am so very grateful she appears to be on the other side.  I'm so thankful for our praying warriors and God who pours out His strength for her and me. I'm so grateful for Tina and her bringing us dinner and crispy cokes. I'm thankful for daughters who grocery shop for me and take and pick up Ezekiel.  I'm thankful for each text and offer of help from my tribe! So, today I'm food prepping in between  treatments and cleaning, and feedings.I've also reached that place of exhaustion where I have to write down all the treatment times because my brain is fried. I'm still tired and I still have days of round the clock treatments to do, but praise God for His healing.  Thank you all for praying.


  1. So sorry it’s been a rough week for you guys!! Praying for healing ❤️‍🩹 of mind and body. Love you all! I do have to ask though…what is a crispy coke???

    1. My adult kids have referred to really good fountain cokes as "crispy". We really think there are a few places in town that are the best fountain drinks! HA!
