Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Infusion Day 1

 Lillian got her first remicade infusion today.  We were there for five hours and had no complications.  She did have a very low blood pressure prior to the infusion, but the next BP number was back to normal.  They do give prophylactic (I've used this word so many times and never knew the spelling, so I googled, now I know HA! Now I know forever 😂) tylenol and benadryl half an hour before the infusion.  They also missed her first IV stick, but the second stick was a success.  

We had a little bit of a traffic back up on our way down and though I felt confident in knowing where I was going, I did falter when we got there trying to remember the floors for the pedway to the center...but we made it.

Things to note...while there, it was pretty busy.  They are in there every 15 minutes or so when the infusion starts and the first hour.  It was just very busy.  Nothing I took to entertain her even made it out of the bag.  Books and a small game.  But, you know, an IV in one hand, a bandaid on the other hand, and a monitor on her toe...she was pretty much indisposed...tee hee.  She thinks so anyway.  The nurse enjoyed her so much, she told us she hoped she got Lillian next time.  

Food, I definitely need to pack food.  By the time I made it into a drive thru, it was 4pm.  I had a headache and I'm tired.  She doesn't seem to be feeling any side effects which is good.  I'm sure she's just very bored.   

I'm grateful for safe travel.  I'm grateful she had no reactions.  I'm grateful there is a treatment to get her feeling better.

I share my heart here in all it's real-ness.  I share my pain and my frustrations.  I pour myself out in this blog.  I hope to reach out to others.  I hope to share my faith...because in ALL of all these things, I love Jesus.  I trust Jesus.  I cannot walk this journey without Him.  Do you know Him?  He's faithful, He provides, and His yoke is light.  Come to Him all who are weary and heavy will find rest for your soul. (Matthew 11)

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