Wednesday, August 24, 2022

And then there was that bone density scan....

 Struggle bus.  I was on it.  I'm still on it...but I haven't cried since Friday, I think.  I imagine you can guess,  at this point, that the bone density scan was not what I hoped for.  She's being referred to an endocrinologist and orthopedic team that will eventually see her on a regular basis, I think.  I honestly have no idea what all of this means.  I do know it means I don't think she can stay on the depo which puts us back to an IUD.  We will see.  More appointments coming.  

I seriously had a total crash and burn when the doctor told me the results.  I struggled all week.  I couldn't even hardly talk about it for two days.  I still struggled to talk about it for the whole week.  

I'm heavy hearted and while I don't (or try very hard not to live in fear) I wonder how much more she can take.  It has been a long, hard 15 almost 16 years.  It is hard to watch her endure so much suffering.  It's not fair.  It is overwhelming.  It is discouraging.  

The GI dr is going to do some stool samples and another special test because she is still having gut trouble.  We are having special blood work in September to continue in discovery about her bleeding disorder.  We also have testing with the peds gyno on the same day.  

Please pray with me that we will make the right decisions for her.  This is so, so hard.  

In my weakness, He is strong.


  1. Battling on my knees for you all.

  2. I continue to intercede to the Only One who can stop this craziness. In Jesus name we are stretching out to touch the tassels of your garment. Increase our faith dear Father.

  3. You are amazing warrior woman, you have unending resources from Heaven, You are reselient,my continue of prayers for the family and my love, you always consider oter
