Monday, July 31, 2023

Some days are more difficult than others

Today has been hard for several reasons.  My kids turned into the bickersons the moment we got into the car.  Lillian's mood swings have been far and wide which is exhausting and her little brother just jumps on the antagonistic bandwagon.  Does not help that I'm sleep deprived from nightmares.  Maybe that's the whole problem to begin with.  (me!) 

There is an ongoing health emergency for my grandma.  

My heart is heavy for multiple children who are suffering.  

Fellow Moms/grandmas who are in the trenches of all that entails.  

Friends mourning.  

All I can do and the best I can do is pray.  In all transparency, I'm heavy hearted.  

I trust the Lord.

It's been a long day.

Pray for us.  


  1. I'm sorry you've been struggling. My prayer is that you've experienced a touch from the Lord in the last few days. You've heard His voice and recognized His face as He reminds you just how much you are loved. I'll continue to pray for peace in your home and in your heart.

  2. You win!!! This is everything Im feeling and more. And here I told ya I was good. At least you’re honest and transparent. Im good cause God has me but that. Is. All. Nightmares are kickin my butt. My heart hurts for all of these kiddos suffering. The Mommas trying. And my brother. Well. Im struggling to let go and let God. Help. Us. Lord. You are all we need. Love you seester. Jesus loves you mostest.
