Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pulmonary, Infusion, Endocrinology, and warts, OH MY

 It has been a busy couple of weeks. Lillian followed up with two specialist and also had her infusion.  That's a lot of trips to KY, y'all.   Pulmonary added zyrtec to her meds as she seems to be struggling since we've had some outside time.  It helped immediately, but unfortunately brought on a rough, long nose bleed on Saturday, so trying to find a balance there.  It's a vicious cycle.  Drainage equals irritation, irritation equals inflammation, inflammation triggers asthma.  Sounds like she has to stay on pulmicort nebs twice a day now to manage her asthma.  Discouraging as it indicates worsening lung function.  

Endo ordered spinal xrays due to worsened DEXA scan results.  No fractures from what I read but I haven't been officially notified by the team.  She wants to see her again in 6 months.  Could not pin her down on her thoughts on giving depo closer together.  

Gynecology won't write us a script for depo to be given every two months, she wants me to notify her every time the dose is due to see how she's doing.  (super easy and convenient, right?)

Lillian has been dealing with warts on her toes for some time so we are going to need to add another specialist to the list because despite all of the efforts I've tried, they have failed.  

Immunology wants to check her again in 6 months as well, as she didn't respond very well to the prevnar vaccine.  Her IgG is still low as well.

We no longer have a respite care provider.  So there's that.  

Our little Sunny is very close to getting to come home.  Please keep Sunny, Rebecca, Aaron, and Sloan in your prayers.

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