who is keeping very strange sleeping times since tonsilectomy. A girl went to school today whose mother had to pick her up half an hour after she'd arrived because she wouldn't participate or get out of the teachers' laps. This same girl crawled up in her big sister's lap and in about one minute...fell asleep. At 6:30 pm. argh.
SO- she missed her Thanksgiving party and her birthday celebration. AND now, she sleeps...NOW? Ai-yai-yai. Not good at all.
I guess it's safe to say she is not back to her baseline. Her feedings are still not going 100%. Pukage is still a big problem.
Momma was having a BAD day yesterday, but I'm much MUCH better today. You should see the post I almost posted yesterday...YIKES!
To be Continued....
oh sounds like she sick just in time for the holidays but she sure is cute